How the EquityTool is implemented in DHIS2


The EquityTool in DHIS2 is implemented as an ‘Event Capture’ program, which means that each survey response – the individual answers to individual questions – is stored as an individual ‘event’ in DHIS2.  The survey form captures the location and date of each individual response, so that responses can be grouped and analysed by location or over time.

The EquityTool is different for each country, so there is a different Event Capture program for each country. The program includes a survey form and pre-calculated indicators to enable the analysis of results. You can use DHIS2’s web interface to access the form and capture survey responses, and you can use DHIS2’s PivotTables to display and analyse the data that you’ve collected.  The Event Capture program works online or offline.

Using the guides below, installing and using the EquityTool in DHIS2 is straightforward.


➀ Download the DHIS2 XML file for your country

The Event Capture program for each country is available as an XML file.  To download the file, go to the country list, click on your country, and then click on the “DHIS2” button. You will need to fill in your details and you will be emailed a zip folder containing the relevant files.


➁ Install the EquityTool program

The program is installed by the DHIS2 system administrator.  Follow this PDF guide explaining how to upload the XML file.  


➂ Collect data using Event Capture

 Authorized program staff can use DHIS2’s web interface to survey clients using the EquityTool questions. View our “How to collect data with DHIS2” guide  for 5 steps to collecting data.


➃ Analyze results using PivotTables and Data Visualiser

You can view the pre-calculated wealth quintile results using the PivotTables and Data Visualiser apps. Data can be filtered to specific locations, dates, or facility categories, depending on the organizational structure of your system. See our guide “How to analyze EquityTool results in DHIS2” for more information.
Fictitious results, below, compare the wealth of clients visiting clinics to those visiting hospitals in Cameroon.



Benefits of collecting EquityTool data in DHIS2


If you do not already use DHIS2, you should collect EquityTool data via our EquityTool web app or another data collection platform. However, if your organization already uses DHIS2 for routine data collection, you might like to implement the EquityTool with DHIS2. There are various benefits to using DHIS2.


  • Having both your routine service statistics and your EquityTool results in one system – DHIS2 – makes things simpler for your users. It makes managing your data much easier. It also enables you to analyse EquityTool results alongside other DHIS2 data.
  • You can use your existing DHIS2 Organization Unit hierarchy when you undertake surveys. You can capture surveys at any level of the hierarchy: nationally, by region or by individual facility. Capturing surveys at the lower levels of your hierarchy gives you the ability to slice your results in various interesting ways. You can find more about this in our guide on viewing EquityTool results in DHIS2.
  • Finally, as well as conducting one-off surveys, you have the option to integrate EquityTool surveys into your routine data collection processes. For example, instead of sending out field staff to undertake surveys, you can ask staff in facilities to survey one in every 10 or 20 patients, and then submit this data alongside their routine weekly or monthly statistics. This will provide you with continuous feedback on who your services are reaching, and enable you to monitor these results over time.