Once EquityTool data has been collected in DHIS2, you can view wealth quintile results using PivotTables and Data Visualiser. One of the advantages of collecting data with DHIS2 is that data can be filtered to specific locations, dates and facility category.
Your installation of the EquityTool includes pre-prepared Program Indicators, which means that DHIS2 will calculate quintile results automatically once data is collected. In the PivotTables app, select ‘Program indicators’ and choose the appropriate EquityTool program.
Now you can view the dates for which you would like to view results. You can look at results for any specific time period – you can even view specific days. In this example, we are interested in results from last year.
Before viewing quintile results, it is useful to check how many respondents data was collected from during those dates. When interpreting results, it is important to consider sample sizes. You can see the ‘Count of all responses’, which is the total number of interviews that were entered, and the ‘Count of valid responses’ which is the total number of interviews which were completed without missing data. Quintile results are only calculated for valid responses. Move the indicators you want to see to the right panel called ‘selected’, and click the update button.
We can now view national quintile results. You can select the ‘Percentage national quintile’ program indicators for each of the five national quintiles, from quintile 1 to quintile 5. It is usually easiest to view these in chart form. For help interpreting quintile results, see our guide. As well as the percentages, you can also view the number of respondents in each quintile by selecting the ‘count national quintile’ indicators.
You can also see how these results vary by location, date or category of facility. How you can split your data depends on how you have set up your organisation units in DHIS2. Below we have split the national quintile results between clinics and hospitals. We can see that clinics serve a relatively poorer group of clients than hospitals in this example.
You can also view urban quintile results for urban respondents by selecting the percentage urban quintile program indicators. These are calculated for all respondents, whether they are in urban or rural areas. When analysing the data, you should be careful to only view urban quintile results for urban clients, if possible by filtering for only facilities that are in urban areas.