How to collect data with DHIS2

Your staff can use DHIS2’s web interface to capture survey responses while interviewing respondents:

➀ Open the Event Capture app in DHIS2

➁ Select the appropriate organisation unit

The lefthand side of the Event Capture app will have the organisation structure of your DHIS2 instance. Select the appropriate organisation unit to which this respondent should be assigned. You can now click the ‘Register event’ button’.

➂ Select the date

Select the date to ensure that the data is assigned to the right date.

➃ Interview the respondent and fill in the form

At this point the form will appear and the respondent can be interviewed. All the questions should be answered if possible by selecting either ‘Yes’ or a ‘No’. Some questions are simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions:

Some have two or more options to choose from. For these questions, a ‘yes’ must be entered for the option the respondent selects and a ‘no’ should be entered for the other options:

➄ Submit the form ensuring data is valid

Once complete, the form is submitted with the ‘save and add new’ button or the ‘save and go back’ button.

If a question was missed, you will be asked to fill it in before submitting the data.

If invalid data was entered, for example more than one option was selected as ‘yes’ for one question, you will be asked to go back and correct it before submitting.

This is an example of an error message that will appear if invalid data is entered:


We have translated the EquityTool into the local language where appropriate. The form will appear in the language that the user has set their DHIS2 account to use. If the form has not been translated into that language, it will appear by default in English. In this example, the user’s DHIS2 account is set to French, so the form appears in French: